Kliknięcie na tytuł publikacji spowoduje przejście do witryny z pracą
- T. Ślusarski, B. Brzostowski, D. Tomecka, G. Kamieniarz, Electronic structure and magnetic properties of a molecular octanuclear chromium-based ring, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11(10), pp. 9080-908 (2011)
- A. Barasiński, A. Drzewiński, G. Kamieniarz, Quantum effects and Haldane gap in magnetic chains with alternating anisotropy axes, Computer Physics Communications, 182 (9), pp. 2013-2016 (2011)
- P. Sobczak, Ł. Kucharski, G. Kamieniarz, Genetic algorithm approach to calculation of the geometric configurations of 2D clusters of uniformly charged classical particles,Computer Physics Communications, 182 (9), pp. 1900-1903, (2011)
- P. Kozłowski, G. Musiał, M. Antkowiak, G. Kamieniarz, D. Gatteschi, High efficiency parallel deterministic simulations of chromium-based molecular rings beyond the giant spin approximation, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci.- accepted.
- P. Kozłowski, G. Kamieniarz, G. Musiał, F. Esposito, W. Florek, M. Antkowiak, D. Gatteschi, Trends in phenomenological modeling and simulations of molecular nanomagnets, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci.- accepted.
- R. Matysiak, A. Barasiński, A. Drzewiński, G. Kamieniarz, P. Sobczak, Efficient transfer matrix simulations for quantum molecular-based chains, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci. – accepted.
- V. Bellini, D. M. Tomecka, F. Troiani, F. Manghi, G. Kamieniarz, M. Affronte, Ab-initio study on a chain model system of Cr8 molecular magnet, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci. 6127 – accepted.
- D. Jeziorek-Knioła, G. Musiał, S. Dylak, K. Gołąb, Wpływ temperatury na własności magnetyków: ciągłe przemiany fazowe, Fizyka w Szkole 2/2011, 18-29 (2011)
- G. Musiał, R. Naskręcki, Wsparcie akademickie dla nauczania fizyki w szkołach ponadgimnazjalnych, Fizyka w Szkole – accepted
- P. Kozłowski, M. Antkowiak, G. Kamieniarz, Frustration signatures in the anisotropic model of nine-spin s=3/2 ring with bond defect, J. Nanopart Res, 13 (11), pp. 6093-6102, (2011)
- P. Sobczak, A. Barasiński, G. Kamieniarz, A. Drzewiński, Anisotropic planar Heisenberg model of the quantum heterobimetallic zigzag chains with bridged ReIV-CuII magnetic complexes, Phisical Review B – condensed Matter and Material Physics, 84 (22), art. no. 224421, (2011)
- P. Kozlowski, G. Kamieniarz, Magnetic properties of the molecular nanomagnet Cr7Cd: Single ion and exchange anisotropy effects, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11 (10), pp. 9175-9180, (2011)
- J. S. Kłos and J.-U. Sommer, Monte Carlo simulations of charged dendrimer-linear polyelectrolyte complexes and explicit counterions, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 204902, (2011)